Sunday, January 2, 2011

I'll bet $50,000 my Booger is prettier than yours!

According to the January 2011 issue of Real Simple magazine, Miss Wyoming (Bernann McKinney) paid a cloning lab $50,000 to clone her beloved pit bull, Booger. In 2008, five Booger clones were born, which is apparently the first successful canine cloning. (To learn more about the subject of cloning since the days of Dolly the sheep, you might want to read Dog, Inc. by John Woestendiek.)

It's uncanny (un-canine-y?) to me that my dog, less than a year old, is also named Booger and is also part pit bull. I guess Booger isn't such an unusual name for a dog after all. Of course, I didn't pay anything for Booger, so I got a much better deal. That, and I'll bet Miss Wyoming's Booger isn't nearly as cute as MY Booger is! :-)

"My Booger's prettier than your Booger! Nyah nyah nyah nyah nyah!"


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