Friday, September 10, 2010

Media Mayhem - Lies, A Dash of Truth, and More Lies

This post is long overdue, but my standard "better late than never" will have to do for now, as I have not found the time to get many things done in the past few weeks. I'm feeling a bit "off" lately, and don't seem to get but a fraction of the things on my "need to do" list done, much less anything on my "really want to do" list.

I also have many other things I'd rather write about right now, but this is something I must write about, because it demonstrates a point, although the means by which that point occurs is not something I'm particularly proud of...

I have always prided myself on questioning everything I hear. I try to live by the motto of "Believe none of what you hear, and only half of what you see.", and yet, even I can be completely fooled by repetitive lies.

Like everyone else, I've been hearing the story about the proposed mosque to be built in New York City. And, the way I've been hearing it referred to is "Proposed Mosque at Ground Zero". Not "Proposed Mosque Near Ground Zero", mind you, but AT Ground Zero.

After a couple of weeks of hearing this, I grew tired of everyone chanting "tolerance". I'm all for tolerance, but there comes a time when tolerance becomes denial of justified outrage. If we turn off our ability to become outraged at in-your-face disrespectful behavior by others in the name of tolerance, we can lose our identity. I will always maintain that position, and I am very skeptical when I hear the word tolerance, as I feel it has become more of a mindless chant and an escape from anger that should be acknowledged and expressed more often than an idealistic concept of acceptance.

Having said that, there are times when even I, a diligent skeptic, am fooled. A couple of weeks ago was one of those times.

I had grown tired of hearing everyone say that we were wrong for being upset at the prospect of a mosque AT Ground Zero, that somehow we were being racist and/or bigots for not wanting a mosque AT the location where religious zealots of the same religion represented by said mosque terrorized our country and murdered thousands of people.

I came up with what I considered to be some brilliant analogies... KKK headquarters on Martin Luther King Boulevard does not belong, a bar next to Mothers Against Drunk Driving (M.A.D.D.) does not belong, etc. And I was right... I was also right that a mosque AT Ground Zero does not belong. But then, I was also wrong...

I was wrong because there is NO mosque proposed AT Ground Zero, never has been. There is a proposed mosque that is considered "near" Ground Zero, but then, just about anywhere in New York City is going to be considered "near" Ground Zero. Does this mean no mosque should be allowed anywhere in New York City? How far away does it have to be? Keep in mind, a hundred yards in New York City is the equivalent of several MILES anywhere else, especially when you consider how small an area of land comprises the New York City area.

I was gently led in the direction of this truth by a couple of dear friends, @TomDark9 and @EdgarHopper, some very strong truth-seekers who are very active on Twitter. Edgar lives in New York City and was actually a clergy first-responder on September 11. If there was a reason to be offended by a proposed mosque, he would know. The fact that he isn't offended is reason enough for me to take a second look, but he also pointed out what anyone who paid close attention to the details by researching the story by means other than the mainstream media should have been able to clearly see: there is no mosque being proposed at the Ground Zero site, contrary to what many have been misled to believe.

What is significant about this incident is that when a skeptic exercises his or her skepticism, it is usually in the direction of the story itself. However, I learned from this most recent lapse in diligence on my part that it is every bit as important to focus on the TITLE of a news story as it is the story itself.

The lie wasn't just in the story, it was in the TITLE of the story. "Anger over proposed mosque AT Ground Zero." already puts the assumption in one's mind that the location being proposed is AT the Ground Zero site. Everything else is just a trip down a dead-end street that leads us all to be easily manipulated into a quick rage toward Islam, Islamic people, and, as was so astutely pointed out to me, leads us all to become primed for yet another war.

It is also worth considering that very few people actually hear the stories behind the headlines. The headline itself is repeated so often in news teasers and read so frequently when passing news stands that it BECOMES the entire story in the minds of those who don't have or take the time to listen to the details or read the entire story behind the headline, even if it IS accurate.

Whether you believe there is a motive towards planting acceptance of yet another war in the minds of the American people in such misleading story titles or not, it's bad enough that there is such inaccuracy to begin with. Misleading the public in such a way even for simple story selling purposes is unprofessional journalism at best, riot-inciting sabotage of any chance of peace at worst.

I studied broadcasting in college, and I remember getting lectured on many occasions about the importance of accuracy and professionalism in the industry. I took that advice to heart, but I don't see a lot of others who have done the same thing.

I sometimes allow myself to be misled, but I do try to correct my thinking when I see evidence to the contrary of my opinion. I have begun to FINALLY hear "proposed mosque NEAR Ground Zero" in news story teasers and have read the same in recent headlines, but it's too little too late when we have violent attacks by Americans against random people merely suspected of being Muslims and people all over the country upset over imaginary insults from terrorists who are actually just as upset over the mosque as anyone, since the extremists don't approve of the mosque themselves. (Too many non-head-cover-wearing females involved in the cause, apparently.)

Don't be upset at the imaginary insult you are being told is taking place. Be upset that your own citizens in the media of your own country are exploiting the victims of the September 11 attacks by creating the illusion of a proposed mosque "AT" Ground Zero, ripping off the slowly-healing scabs from that awful day by inciting such outrage.

'Nuff said.



Tom Dark said...

No way I couldn't agree with this one, and spread it around. It's not that people don't think, they're simply encouraged not to. XOXOX

Anonymous said...

It was quite proper to have an attitude about what was going on about the planned Islamic Center near Ground Zero. I, quite frankly, lay the blame at the feet of the Main Stream Media and their anxiety to get a "story" at any cost, truth be damned. Also, indictable are those politicians who are simply looking for a way to garner votes without having to commit to responsible government. That's the kind of world we live in these days! Sigh

The Animated Woman said...

The media are like this gigantic hypnotizing weapon, wielded by those who own it. And we trust them, eat up what they offer, mooing and baaing as we go....rarely questioning. Very well written post, kept me engaged all the way through.

Ever see that film, Idiocracy?